En-en adult card 14 energy budget: Difference between revisions

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|title=Energy Budget
|title=Energy Budget
}}<ref>[https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf#page=280 Figure 1 in Chapter 3, IPCC Working Group 1.5 report]</ref>

== Explanation ==
== Explanation ==
On the graph, you can see several colours that represent, from top to bottom :
* In light blue, the upper layer of the ocean, between 0 and 700m
* In dark blue, the lower layer of the ocean, between 700m and 2000m
* In white, the different ice creams
* In orange, the floors
* In purple, the atmosphere
The dotted lines represent uncertainty.
== Facilitation tips ==
=== Simplified version ===
This card can be removed for the simplified version, at the same time as the [[En-en adult card 15 radiative forcing|radiative forcing]] and [[En-en adult card 10 aerosols|aerosols]].
=== Full version ===
When keeping this card, we must remember the first principle of thermodynamics: energy is conserved. Participants may draw links from Energy budget to [[En-en adult card 17 increase in water temperature|Increase in Water Temperature]] and [[En-en adult card 21 temperature rise|Temperature Rise]], then links from [[En-en adult card 21 temperature rise|Temperature Rise]] to [[En-en adult card 16 melting of glaciers|Melting of glaciers]] and [[En-en adult card 17 increase in water temperature|Increase in Water Temperature]] to [[En-en adult card 18 melting of sea ice|Melting of Sea Ice]] and [[En-en adult card 19 melting of ice sheets|Melting of Ice Sheets]]. By doing this, they consider that the air and water warm up, and then they melt the pack ice, glaciers and ice caps. But if a calorie has passed through the water and finally contributes to melting the pack ice from below, then it is no longer in the water.
=== Explanation tip ===
A tip to simplify the explanation of this card is to rename the following cards. An increase in temperature is an increase in energy, and a melt is also an increase in energy. The five cards then become Increase in the energy level of water, air, sea ice... And the participants understand that these five cards have to be put at the same level. So if a calorie that is in the water contributes to melting the pack ice, once the pack ice has melted, this calorie is no longer in the water. The water has cooled down. In this case, should the calorie be counted in the "ocean" or "melting ice" part? Answer: in the melting part of the ice. Because there is energy conservation (first principle of thermodynamics). You can't count this calorie twice.
== Other possible links ==
=== Consequences ===
[[En-en adult card 41 permafrost|Permafrost]] and [[En-en adult card 42 methane hydrates|Methane Hydrates]] If we want to stay within the same logic of energy conservation, we would have to make the melting link from the Energy budget.
== To go further ==
=== Figures ===
Oceans cover 71% of the earth's surface, with an average depth of 4km. If air were reduced to the same density as water, its height would be 10m. The ocean has a very high density, which explains why it absorbs most of the energy related to GHGs emitted by man.
=== Videos ===
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFT5Mx0eK3U&feature=youtu.be Video presentation of the map by Rodolphe Meyer (French)]
== References ==
<references />


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