En-en adult card 10 aerosols: Difference between revisions

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=== Uncertainty related to the calculation of the influence of aerosols ===
=== Uncertainty related to the calculation of the influence of aerosols ===
Although aerosols are thought to cool the climate on average, their total contribution is the result of warming and cooling effects with great uncertainty. The sum of the two is therefore highly subject to uncertainty. The Futura Science article [https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/dossiers/climatologie-tant-incertitudes-previsions-climatiques-638/ Why so many uncertainties in climate predictions?] (in French) provides a good understanding of the origin of these uncertainties.
Although aerosols are thought to cool the climate on average, their total contribution is the result of warming and cooling effects with great uncertainty. The sum of the two is therefore highly subject to uncertainty. The Futura Science article [https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/dossiers/climatologie-tant-incertitudes-previsions-climatiques-638/ Why so many uncertainties in climate predictions?] (in French) provides a good understanding of the origin of these uncertainties.

== Other possible links ==
===Causes ===

=== Causes ===
*[[En-en_adult_card_15_radiative_forcing|Radiative forcing]] Ce qui est expliqué au dos de la carte 10 et dans la nouvelle version de la carte 15 (> oct 2018) : Les aérosols refroidissent le climat. Voir les fiches thématiques sur les aérosols et sur le forçage radiatif.
*[[En-en_adult_card_38_human_health|Human health]] Although aerosols are not alone in the "fine particle" category, every year 391,000 people in EU countries die from air pollution<ref>[https://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-pollution-atmospherique-reste-trop Air pollution remains too high throughout Europe (French)]</ref>, and it causes 1.1 million premature deaths in India and China<ref>[https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/nature-environnement/l-inde-rattrape-la-chine-en-nombre-de-morts-de-la-pollution_110560 India catches up with China in the number of deaths from pollution (French)]</ref>.
==Other possible links==
===Other causes===
[[En-en adult card 3 building|Building usage]] Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating<ref>[https://www.lemonde.fr/pollution/article/2016/12/08/dans-la-vallee-de-chamonix-le-chauffage-au-bois-est-le-principal-coupable-de-la-pollution_5045636_1652666.html In the Chamonix valley, wood heating is the main culprit of pollution (French).]</ref>.
[[En-en adult card 3 building|Building usage]] Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating<ref>[https://www.lemonde.fr/pollution/article/2016/12/08/dans-la-vallee-de-chamonix-le-chauffage-au-bois-est-le-principal-coupable-de-la-pollution_5045636_1652666.html In the Chamonix valley, wood heating is the main culprit of pollution (French).]</ref>.

=== Consequences ===
==Facilitation advice==
[[En-en adult card 38 human health|Human health]] Although aerosols are not alone in the "fine particle" category, every year 391,000 people in EU countries die from air pollution<ref>[https://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-pollution-atmospherique-reste-trop Air pollution remains too high throughout Europe (French)]</ref>, and it causes 1.1 million premature deaths in India and China<ref>[https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/nature-environnement/l-inde-rattrape-la-chine-en-nombre-de-morts-de-la-pollution_110560 India catches up with China in the number of deaths from pollution (French)]</ref>.
== Facilitation advice ==
This card can be removed most of the time, unless the players are likely to understand it, have the time and the facilitator has a good grasp of the subject.
This card can be removed most of the time, unless the players are likely to understand it, have the time and the facilitator has a good grasp of the subject.

[[En-en adult card 13 additional greenhouse effect|Card 13]] can be used to explain this: Aerosols mainly play on the orange arrows (they increase the size of the "Reflection" arrow, while the additional greenhouse effect plays on the red arrows (it increases the size of the "Greenhouse Effect" arrow which returns to the earth).
[[En-en adult card 13 additional greenhouse effect|Card 13]] can be used to explain this: Aerosols mainly play on the orange arrows (they increase the size of the "Reflection" arrow, while the additional greenhouse effect plays on the red arrows (it increases the size of the "Greenhouse Effect" arrow which returns to the earth).

== References ==
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