En-en debrief: Difference between revisions

722 bytes removed ,  7 February 2021
First edition of page
(First edition of page)
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*[[En-en adult card 2 industry|Industry]]: buying less consumer products, digital sobriety, repairing things instead of buying new, the five Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle)  
*[[En-en adult card 2 industry|Industry]]: buying less consumer products, digital sobriety, repairing things instead of buying new, the five Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle)  
*[[En-en adult card 3 building|Building usage]]: heating less, living in a smaller house/flat, insulating your home, changing your heating system
*[[En-en adult card 3 building|Building usage]]: heating less, living in a smaller house/flat, insulating your home, changing your heating system
*[[En-en adult card 4 transportation|Transportation]]: stopping flying,  
*[[En-en adult card 4 transportation|Transportation]]: stopping flying, avoiding driving, using the train for long trips, cycling for short trips
*[[En-en adult card 8 agriculture|Agriculture]]
*[[En-en adult card 8 agriculture|Agriculture]]: avoiding animal products, preferring locally produced foods (NB the type of product has a much greater influence than its provenance<ref>[https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local Our World in Data, ''Food : Greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain'']</ref>).
*[[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_2_industrie|Industrie]] : moins consommer, sobriété numérique, réparer les produits au lieu d'en acheter de nouveaux, les cinq R (Refuser, Réduire, Réutiliser, Réparer, Recycler)
*[[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_3_bâtiment|Utilisation des bâtiments]] : chauffer moins, avoir peu de surface par personne, isoler son logement, changer son moyen de chauffer l'eau
*[[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_4_transport|Transport]] : ne pas prendre l'avion, minimiser la voiture, prendre le train pour les déplacements longs, le vélo pour les courts.
*[[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_8_agriculture|Agriculture]] : ne pas manger de produits d'origine animale, faire attention aux types de produits consommés privilégier le local (attention, le type de produit a une influence beaucoup plus forte sur le produit que sa provenance <ref>[https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local Our World in Data, ''Food : Greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain'']</ref>

===Mail post-formation + contact===
===Post-workshop email===
Une fois l'animation terminée, il faut envoyer un mail post-formation aux participant·e·s. Ce mail a pour intérêt :
Once the workshop is over, it is important to send an email to the players. The purpose of this email is to:
*De rappeler ce qui a été dit dans le débat
*Remind them what was said during the debate
*De clarifier certains points n'ayant pas été clairs pour certain·e·s
*Clarify some points if necessary
*De donner des ressources complémentaires pour se renseigner
*Provide other resources for the players to learn more
*D'inviter les participant·e·s à devenir animateur·rice
*Invite the players to become facilitators
*De donner le contact de l'animateur·rice pour que les participant·e·s le recontacte en cas de besoin
*Provide the players with the means to contact the facilitator in the future.

