En-en adult card 3 building: Difference between revisions

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== Card #3: Building usage ==
The building sector (housing and commercial use) uses fossil fuels and electricity. It accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

== Explanation ==
== Explanation ==

On parle ici de l'utilisation des bâtiments et non de leur construction (qui, elle, entre dans le secteur de [[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_2_industrie|l'industrie]]). Chauffage, climatisation, éclairage, électronique, etc. Le gros sujet, sous nos latitudes, c'est l'isolation thermique des bâtiments. En ce qui concerne la construction dans le neuf, il est important de construire des bâtiment bien isolés. Mais l'enjeu est limité car les normes dans le neuf sont bien plus contraignantes que par le passé et on ne construit chaque année qu'une petite partie (1%) du parc déjà construit. L'enjeu est donc beaucoup plus dans la rénovation thermique des bâtiments.
We consider here buildings' usage, not their construction (which is included in the card on [[En-en adult card 2 industry|Industry]]). This includes heating, air-conditioning, lighting, electronics, etc. The big topic in Europe and the US is the thermal insulation of buildings. As far as new construction is concerned, it is vital to build well-insulated buildings. However, the stakes are limited as the standards for new buildings are much higher than in the past and only a small proportion (1%) of buildings are constructed each year. The challenge is therefore much more in the thermal renovation of buildings.
== Correction==
* [[En-en adult card 1 human activities|Human activities]]
=== Consequences ===
*[[En-en adult card 5 fossil fuels|Fossil fuels]]

== Autres liens possibles ==
==Other possible links==
=== Lien conséquences ===
===Other consequences ===
*[[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_26_crues|Crues]] L'artificialisation des sols est également responsable d'innondations car le sol n'est plus drainant.
*[[En-en adult card 26 river flooding|River flooding]] Soil artificialisation is also responsible for flooding because the soil is no longer able to absorb rain water.
* [[Fr-fr_adulte_carte_10_aérosols|Aérosols]] Les bâtiments émettent peu d'aérosols de manière directe. Les seules émissions significatives sont les feux de cheminée. A Chamonix, 85% des particules fines présentes dans l'atmosphère proviennent de chauffage au bois<ref>[https://www.lemonde.fr/pollution/article/2016/12/08/dans-la-vallee-de-chamonix-le-chauffage-au-bois-est-le-principal-coupable-de-la-pollution_5045636_1652666.html Le monde, ''Dans la vallée de Chamonix, le chauffage au bois est le principal coupable de la pollution'']</ref>.
*[[En-en adult card 10 aerosols|Aerosols]] Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating <ref>[https://www.lemonde.fr/pollution/article/2016/12/08/dans-la-vallee-de-chamonix-le-chauffage-au-bois-est-le-principal-coupable-de-la-pollution_5045636_1652666.html Le monde, ''Dans la vallée de Chamonix, le chauffage au bois est le principal coupable de la pollution'']</ref>.
*[[En-en_adult_card_6_deforestation|Deforestation]] It can be said that heating buildings with wood is in part responsible for deforestation, but it is not significant. Neither is building a major cause of deforestation. Agriculture is the main cause of deforestation, way in front of buildings and their usage.  

== Sources ==
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