En-en adult card 11 concentration of co2: Difference between revisions

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== Explanation ==
== Explanation ==
CO2 measurements have been taking place since 1958 in Hawaii, on the island of Big Island, on the flanks of the Mauna Loa volcano. They were initiated by Charles Keeling. In the blue scenario (2°C) they increase until 2040-2050, then they decrease because emissions have been reduced so much that natural sinks no longer absorb them.
== To go further ==
=== CO2 elimination ===
The surplus CO2 is permanently stored in the atmosphere (no chemical degradation process). There are only 2 physical processes: dissolution of CO2 in the oceans, and synthesis of CO2 via photosynthesis (in the presence of photons).
Therefore <ref>[https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf#page=489 IPCC Climate Change 2013 Report]</ref>:
* in 100 years' time, 40% of the surplus CO2 released today will still remain in the atmosphere;
* in 1000 years' time, 20% of the surplus CO2 emitted today will still remain in the atmosphere;
* in 10,000 years' time, 10% of the surplus CO2 emitted today will still remain in the atmosphere.
It is an almost irreversible process.
=== French emission factors ===
In France, the main cause of CO2 emissions has shifted from industry to transportation in 150 years.
== References ==
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